
Venezuela’s Maduro hollows out his nation

These are the corruption allegations that may have gotten a Slovak journalist killed

Two housemates conspired to commit a ‘bucket list’ murder. Now they’re in prison for life.

Turkey’s Erdogan wants to make adultery a crime

Europe is so cold now that the Arctic appears to be a warm escape

German village votes to keep bell inscribed with ‘Everything for the Fatherland, Adolf Hitler’

In Thai jail after ‘sex training,’ a model who rattled Russian elite asks U.S. for help

Will Xi Jinping be China’s ruler for life? The evidence from other countries suggests otherwise.

Africa’s real Wakanda and the struggle to stay uncolonized

Turkey’s president consoled a crying 6-year-old with talk of her glorious death in future combat

How a Palestinian teen’s rubber bullet injury to the brain turned to a biking accident overnight

Trump reportedly praised Singapore for executing drug dealers. Here’s how they’re killed.