These are the corruption allegations that may have gotten a Slovak journalist killed February 28, 2018 WorldViews +
Two housemates conspired to commit a ‘bucket list’ murder. Now they’re in prison for life. February 28, 2018 WorldViews +
German village votes to keep bell inscribed with ‘Everything for the Fatherland, Adolf Hitler’ February 27, 2018 WorldViews +
In Thai jail after ‘sex training,’ a model who rattled Russian elite asks U.S. for help February 27, 2018 WorldViews +
Will Xi Jinping be China’s ruler for life? The evidence from other countries suggests otherwise. February 27, 2018 WorldViews +
Turkey’s president consoled a crying 6-year-old with talk of her glorious death in future combat February 27, 2018 WorldViews +
How a Palestinian teen’s rubber bullet injury to the brain turned to a biking accident overnight February 27, 2018 WorldViews +
Trump reportedly praised Singapore for executing drug dealers. Here’s how they’re killed. February 27, 2018 WorldViews +